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deck cargo

См. также в других словарях:

  • deck-cargo — deckˈ cargo noun Cargo stowed on the deck of a vessel • • • Main Entry: ↑deck …   Useful english dictionary

  • deck cargo — Cargo that is carried on the deck of a ship rather than in a hold. This may increase the insurance premium depending on the nature of the cargo …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • deck cargo — /ˈdɛk kagoʊ/ (say dek kahgoh) noun cargo carried on an open deck of a ship …  

  • deck cargo — / dek ˌkɑ:gəυ/ noun the cargo carried on the open top deck of a ship …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • deck-load — deckˈ load noun A deck cargo • • • Main Entry: ↑deck …   Useful english dictionary

  • cargo area — noun the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo • Syn: ↑cargo deck, ↑cargo hold, ↑hold, ↑storage area • Derivationally related forms: ↑hold (for: ↑hold) …   Useful english dictionary

  • deck hand — deck′ hand or deck′hand n. naut. navig. a sailor given duties that include maintenance, cargo storage, and line handling • Etymology: 1835–45, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • deck|load — «DEHK LOHD», noun. the cargo or load stowed on the deck of a ship: »All I would have to do was step across from our deckload of timber (Harper s) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Deck department — The deck department is responsible for safely receiving, discharging, and caring for cargo during a voyage …   Wikipedia

  • Cargo aircraft — A cargo aircraft (also known as freighters or freight aircraft) is an fixed wing aircraft designed or converted for the carriage of goods, rather than passengers. They are devoid of passenger amenities, and generally feature one or more large… …   Wikipedia

  • Deck prism — A deck prism is a prism inserted into the deck of a ship to provide light down below.[1] Group of original deck prisms For centuries, sailing ships used deck prisms to provide a safe source of natural sunlight to illuminate areas below decks.… …   Wikipedia

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